The Artistic Adventures of Ms. Griffin


A New Perspective

I am happy to announce that this blog is being re-purposed. I am looking to expand my career as an artist and will now be using this blog as a means to promote my work, discuss my experiences, and to mention upcoming activities!

I’ve been quite busy putting together pieces for the Sights and Sounds Art Festival in Nashua, NH! It’s going to run from 10am to 5pm on April 30th, showcasing a myriad of artists, craftsmen and artisans, including myself. I will be showing a few of my acrylic pieces, so feel free to stop by!

This has been a long time coming, to see my professional endeavors as an artist transform into what could be a new business prospect. I am first and foremost a teacher, but it would be nice to expand my little world into something more. Here’s to a bright future!
